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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  January 9, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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a spike in flu deaths in just the past 24 hours. typically people are dying and not typically in the age group susceptible to flu. good evening i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm frank somerville. so far there have been nine deaths. when we put together this map for you this evening today alone we learned of four more deadly cases of h1n1. the youngest victim, a 23-year-
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old man in sonoma. christien kafton is in san jose and tell us that the flu season hasn 't even peaked yet. we begin with debora villalon she's in a hospital room that's swamped with h1n1 patients. >> reporter: more than a dozen people are staggering in every shift. sick with the symptoms but the er doctor i just talked to here says he is surprised to hear that man from this county has died. >> that is pretty unusual. a healthy young man dying, but it can happen. >> reporter: the h1n1 flu struck down other wise healthy, young and middle-aged people not considered high risk. now it's back. >> it's really all ages, i mean sometimes the patients are admitted for this. sometimes they go home. but everyone in general is
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pretty sick. >> i can say i'm really sorry. >> reporter: condolences expressed tonight from sonoma county's health officer. >> and that the family you know is grieving right now. >> reporter: she says the young man died yesterday. and that sonoma county has had eight other flu cases. putting the county into emergency care. >> people of all ages including young healthy people every year. >> reporter: the flu vaccine this year does cover the h1n1 strain. so offer some protection. with this outbreak will eclipse the last in illness and death. impossible to say. >> how different from them is this? i'm not sure. we're sort of waiting to see how it plays out. >> reporter: how does someone healthy die from the flu? the infection hits some people inexplicably hard causing
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pneumonia, respiratory distress. don't delay if you're feeling really sick. >> it's fever, chill, i mean really shaking type chills where you're uncontrolably shaking. >> reporter: reporting live in santa rosa. ktvu news. now to christien kafton he's in san jose's regional medical center where the hospital is taking precautions to handle flu patients there. >> reporter: family regents medical center spokesperson said they treated 10 patients in this tent yesterday. crews are expected to complete another large tent. the aim is to keep them from
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spreading the flu to other patients. 40-miles to the north flu is already starting to creep through the uc berkeley campus. >> now i went up, took the final exam last semester and my roommate, my other two roommates had the flu. and i was kind of affected by them. >> reporter: cameron public health specialist says when the students move back into their dorms and apartment at the end of january flu season here will start in earnest. >> when students move back they bring their germs with them. when flu hits that will probably double and if it's a really bad year that could triple. >> reporter: campus health says it's not too late for students to protect themselves. >> for those who haven't been vaccinated it's not too late. we do encourage you to get vaccinated as soon as possible. >> reporter: some students in berkeley say they've already
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taken that step. >> actually yeah. i just went and got my flu shot down at walgreens. >> i am a sociology student. we pressure each other into getting flu shots. because if one person doesn't will make you more susceptible. i did not. >> reporter: so far the cdc is supporting that this flu season is at par on just how dangerous this virus is. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. we're beginning to see some shortages of flu vaccine in the bay area. ktvu randomly called more than two dozen pharmacies and we found two cvs stores that had
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no flu vaccines available. more details now on why the flu spread so easily. you're able to spread the virus to others even before you feel sick. adults can infect others a full symptom before they develop. and five to seven days after they become sick. children can transmit the virus for seven days or more. flu symptoms can come on quickly including headache and fatigue. new at 10:00, a fast moving fire in san jose. at least eight people have been displaced tonight. amber lee is live, and has learned that this evening's fire may have started with a household appliance. >> reporter: this is still a very active scene. as firefighters continue to keep a close eye on the three
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townhomes that burned. >> you can feel the heat. it was blazing. it was unbelievable to see the smoke and embers. >> reporter: frightened members shared us with video of the fire that broke out shortly before 6:00 tonight. >> you can just see huge flames. we were really worried that it was somebody we knew. >> reporter: the fire started at one townhouse but fire spread do homes on both sides. >> the fire was coming out from the windows and the glass would break. >> reporter: one neighbor says she called 911 but was frustrated. >> i called but i got a crazy recording. and i came out and spoke to a neighbor and she said, me too they put me on hold. >> reporter: it took 45 minutes to contain the fire. >> once you get into units like these, it gets into the wall, it gets into the attic.
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some of these units have adjoining attics. >> to think that it started from a drier machine and possibly the lint or something. it's so scary. >> reporter: firefighters tell us three people were in the home that initially caught on fire but was not injured. the fire captain tells me a standard procedure, arson investigators have been called in to look into the cause of this fire. amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. and tonight at 10:30 a warehouse fire that burned for hours in san jose. the effort to protect near by homes and the damage to one property. the san jose fire department may lose two million dollars because of inadequate response times to medical emergencies. the county says in the past 14 months, crews have responded within eight minutes, 88% of the time. and that is below the 90% minimum. other cities in the county do better, santa clara is at 95%.
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the rest are at 97% response rate or eight minutes or less. counties may pull $200,000 in funding from san jose as a penalty. a six hour police stand off finally came to an end late this afternoon when an armed robbery suspect surrendered to authorities. the drama layed out in gilroy. the moe -- drama played out in gilroy. a man suspected of an armed robbery refused to leave his room. three women and two children were also in that room. authorities evacuated hotel guests as they spent six hours trying to convince the man to surrender. he and two women were arrested. the children are now in protective custody. the áf -- a high school in oakland was locked down after someone shot someone near the building. it happened at a bus stop near
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interstate 580. at this point police describe the victim only as an 18-year- old man. he was able to walk into the school after he was shot. investigators say a worker then drove him to the hospital. other students were upset. >> at least it's not on our campus. it's hard for me to understand why. why it's happening at school too. >> reporter: the principal told us he plans to ask for an ongoing police presence outside the school. the u.s. navy today said a sailor from truckee in northern california is one of two men confirmed killed in a helicopter crash. bryan collins was on board a mine sweeping helicopter that went down yesterday after the coast of virginia. the truckee high graduate had served for two years. the pilot is still missing. a search today turned up no
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trace of him. every moral person is going to say of course you're worried about them. >> girls as young as 14 years old working as prostitutes. at 10:30 how one officer's keen observation busted a suspected sex trafficking ring right here in the bay area. and right after the break, i'll use the latest computer model to track rain and give you a time lapse into your bay area weekend. we're riding along with vallejo police tonight as officers work overtime working areas, trying to put a lid on crime. to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california.
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only on 2, a ktvu camera rides along as police in vallejo saturate the street tonight in an unique new effort to do more with less. it's called operation safe net. a unique program born amidst rising crime. >> and tonight noelle walker is working with officers who are working overtime to see how they're making a difference. she's in vallejo with what she found. >> reporter: one very busy night. in fact, about five minutes ago i saw probably eight police cars fly by me. lieutenant tells me they're going to magazine street where there's a man with a gun and shooting. just one of many incidents tonight. lieutenant lee is going on his 11th hour. >> lieutenant lee with a rider. we're saturates certain parts
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of the city. >> reporter: officers are out in force for operation safe net. >> so we can try to curve both the shootings we've been having on the streets, the street robberies we've been having. the homicides and that's our main goal. >> reporter: the first traffic stop is on a familiar street. >> we've had three homicides just in the past two years in this area. >> reporter: last year vallejo had 28 homicides. shootings, street robberies and burglaries were up too. bankruptcy cut the police force from a high of 158 officers in 2008 to 81 today. officers can hardly keep up with the criminals. >> they've strictly reactive. they haven't had a chance to be proactive which means going outlooking for crimes before they actually occur. >> reporter: officers are targeting problem areas on this street alone there was a murder at a nail salon down the street and a video store that's been burglarized several times. >> there's three traffic stops behind us and one in front of us. >> reporter: and a few blocks
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away, this man was stopped for riding a motorcycle on the sidewalk. >> they found burglary tools, drug paraphernalia. >> reporter: and the bike. >> the bike is more than likely stolen. >> reporter: a neighbor has doubts whether the police push will work. >> i guess it helps but it's kind of like, taking a small bite out of a big problem. >> reporter: tonight police say this one stop may have prevented a burglary. >> little things like that can prevent the big things. >> reporter: and one less crime means one less victim. operation safe net started this week in the first night police arrested 32 people and handed out 99 tickets. that's as many tickets as vallejo police issued in an entire month. reporting live in vallejo, noelle walker. a judge has indicted three members of a street gang for crimes dating back to the
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1990s. the indictment contains 17 counts. they include murder, racketeering, pimping and extortion. the gang operated in the filmore. all of those named are already in state or federal custody. california governor jerry brown unveiled his budget plan today instead of the deficits of recent years the state now has a surplus. >> for this year there's very good news, good news in the physical stability and resources available for the state of california. >> the governor warned the state is not out of the woods everyone with a small surplus and he urged restraint. republicans agreed but worried democrats and the legislature may want to increase spending. >> but what worries someone like me is that the governor gets overwhelmed by his own homeys as i like to say.
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>> reporter: the governor's spending plan is $150,000 he will divide it in may. the deadline for passage is june 15th. here's a look now at the governor's spending proposal. he wants to put $10 billion into schools. $815million would go toward overdue maintenance. and the governor includes a $1.6 billion rainy day fund for future economic problems. police investigating an attempted kidnapping in downtown oakland have now created a sketch of the men. and they are asking for the public's help in identifying him. investigators released this sketch today. the suspect is described as a black man in his 20s. he's about 5'7" or 5'8" and weighs about 185 pounds. the victim said he smells like cigarettes. the 19-year-old woman told
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investigators that the man grabbed her as she was walking on 17th street near telegraph in downtown oakland. it was about 8:30 on new year's night. the attacker said that he had a gun. as the man was dragging her the woman fell to the ground and was able to escape. a $5,000 reward is being offered. two investigating tonight. the case of an antioch man accused of kidnapping a 7-year- old girl. ktvu's cristina rendon tells us it got to the point where they went to court to keep him away from his family. court documents are revealing a struggle between douglas and his family. ktvu obtained these papers showing douglas' step dad requested a restraint order
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against their family. he said that douglas had been verbally abusive. another episode he was yelling to his sister. the step dad says douglas was upset because he wanted his sister to help him get an appointment with the mental facility. this is part of a jailhouse interview on tuesday. >> i was shaking in fright. she was shaking in fright. she looked at me and said i'm scared i looked at her and said i'm scared. >> reporter: douglas is charged for the kidnapping. it states he did willfully and unlawfully commit a lascivious act with the body of jane doe one. douglas tells ktvu he did have a falling out with his family. >> my mom and i had a falling out so i've been living out of my car in the marina. >> reporter: the judge
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ultimately decided to deny this request and he remains in jail. if you have an idea for 2 investigates we want to hear from you. just e-mail your idea to it's nice outside tonight. we have mostly clear skies. it's not going to be that cold but you see the skyline. that's how the model plays. friday morning tomorrow morning fog back in at the coast. maybe a little valley fog as well. clear skies over head for your morning. in the afternoon, it stays clear, you see fog move back in. to the north up here you see some green. this weather system is going to have an impact on us. it's probably going to rain. when i come back at 10:45 i'll take the computer model and take the time line of this evident on saturday. also talk about how it's going
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to impact the mountains. i'll see you back here at 10:45. still ahead here a new candidate in the race to challenge jean quan. then at 10:45. >> we're going to make some history together today. remember that moment, steve jobs announcing the first iphone seven years ago today. how that device has changed a lot of lives. >> i had no knowledge, or involvement. and new jersey governor chris christie says he's heartbroken and outraged on what's now being called bridge gate. is this the bacon and cheese diet?
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this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. ♪ [ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪
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one of the early contenders for the republican presidential candidate is undergoing an investigation. as eric swan reports, christie
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also apologized repeatedly today for the major traffic problems on the george washington bridge. >> i had no knowledge, or involvement in this issue, in its planning or its execution. and i am stunned. >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie says he is heartbroken, outraged and was blind sided. the closings created gridlock for several days. the governor says he knew nothing about the plan but takes full responsibility. >> i am sad to report to the people of new jersey that we fell short. >> reporter: e-mails show the former christie aid, former aid did it to punish solcoli. >> i take him for his word. which he had nothing to do with it. >> reporter: another official
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who was involved in the e- mails, david wildstein pled the fifth during an investigation. >> reporter: meanwhile the white house steering clear of the matter. >> it sounds like a state matter to me. >> if they did what people are speculating, and it can be demonstrated its absolutely an abuse of power. by the way, there could be some criminal liability. >> reporter: the governor also went to fort lee and met with major solcolich to apologize face to face. when he emerged he said they had a good meeting. and once again he offered his apologies to the people of the state. which they applauded him. community activists and
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civil rights leaders dan segel announced his candidacy for mayor. if elected he will focus on social and economic justice which he says are the keys to creating a safe city. now here are the other candidates in the race for mayor. jean quan, city councilwoman libby shaft, joe tuman and former port of oakland commissioner bryan parker. a man who was shot in the back by oakland police then sued the city now stands to receive a $125,000 settlement. tony ray jones had just committed a robbery which he was convicted of last year. he was shot in the back after he fled the scene and jumped out of a van with a gun in his hand. jones is a cousin of the late oscar grant. he had sued for $10 million. the city says going to trial would have been more costly than the $125,000 settlement. a fierce fire burns for hours. the damage done and why firefighters can't yet determine what caused it.
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but up first, a suspected sex trafficking ring broken up. how one officer's interaction with a 14-year-old girl led to the break in the case. start the new year right at subway! [ male announcer ] where january is now januany, and any regular footlong is now a $5 footlong. even low-fat favorites like the sweet onion chicken teriyaki! ♪ $5 footlong ♪ januany, any [ male announcer ] subway. eat fresh. ♪ januany, any we're new to town.ells. welcome to monroe. so you can move more effortlessly... we want to open a new account: checking and savings.
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[ male announcer ] where january is now januany, and any regular footlong is now a $5 footlong. even low-fat favorites like the sweet onion chicken teriyaki! ♪ $5 footlong ♪ januany, any [ male announcer ] subway. eat fresh. police in two bay area cities working together say they have broken up a sex trafficking ring involving a 14- year-old girl working the streets. only on 2, ktvu's mike mibach tells us it all started with one very observant officer. >> for us we're focusing on all the prosecutions. >> reporter: emmitt nash four years on the force. >> every moral person will say yeah you're worried about them. >> reporter: nab says that he noticed a girl that he had
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recognized. >> i talked to her and got a good repore which led to police to take over. >> it is common for the pimps who are working these girls to move them around. >> reporter: eric melendez says the officers took the information and led them to the phoenix lodge on industrial and 880. >> we went to the hotel and were able to identify two men that had taken her and forced her to prostitute herself. >> reporter: the men were running a sex trafficking ring out of two of the motel rooms. >> we recovered a firearm connected to the two males. one of them, also recovered two females who were acting as prostitutes. >> so these guys are committing sex acts on the girls who they were also sending out on to the streets. >> yes, that's part of our interview we determined that had been taken place. >> reporter: a good interagency bust which all starts with
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officer emmitt nash. >> just knowing who your players are and who's who. >> reporter: brown and thompson were still being interviewed today to determine just how big this sex trafficking ring is. possibly extending into the city of san francisco. as for the 14-year-old girl, officers say that she is in custody of social services. in hayward, mike mibach, ktvu channel 2 news. the alameda county district's attorneys office is using the words of young trafficking survivor's office to reach out to girls caught in that life. posters and signs are going up in the county and mostly in oakland to get the message out. they hope that survivors messages can inentire young people and let them know they can get out too. here is a place to report child trafficking. the number is 510-208-4959. a number tonight from the
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contra costa sheriff's department. a scammer has been calling people in the east bay claiming to be lieutenant jackson of the warrant unit. he tells them that they owe a fine for a traffic violation or for failing to appear for jury duty and that they can either arrange payment by phone or face arrest. deputies want you to know this is nothing more than a scam. there's no one by that name employed by the office nor is there a warrant unit. >> anybody who gets a call like this, they should never provide any private or personal information over the phone and certainly not to any strangers. and simply just hang up. people living in san leandro and martinez are the latest victims to come forward. now to our continuing coverage of this morning's destructive warehouse fire in the south bay. san jose firefighters mounted a five alarm fire to keep it from spreading. the fire took hours to control.
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ktvu's robert handa talked to fire crews who said they had to pull out all the stops. >> the massive five alarm fire at this san jose warehouse complex on julian street started around 10:30 this morning and the mostly vacant 125,000 square foot building that housed half a dozen small businesses, had plenty of fuel to keep burning. more than 100 firefighters from san jose and other agencies attacked the flames mainly from above. more than one dozen homes were evacuated. jennifer remo showed me a picture of her family escaping. a truly scary sight. >> they thought the whole house was going to go up. because the flames were so close. and just by looking at the picture you saw it liting the whole area. it was just scary. >> what would have happened if we did have school and this would have happened i think that would have been a way
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worse situation. >> reporter: firefighters work hard to keep the fire from spreading. >> they stretched a large diameter house line and were running from backyard to backyard. >> reporter: jennifer remo took us inside to see what happened. they lost a storage shed, a van and several bicycles but they were grateful. >> i thought it was going to be worse. yeah there's a lot of damage but i really thought the house would have went too. >> a view from news chopper 2, show why firefighters are going to be at the scene. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. the so called baseball bat killer at the great mall in milpitas has been found not guilty by reason of insanity. prosecutors say doctors have concluded that 26-year-old nathaniel monlogen was incapable of determining right
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from wrong. he had chased carlos caloka through a sports authority store last june and hit him in the head 11 times with a bat. he told police that caloka has -- had stabbed him but he wasn't injured and no weapon was ever found. caltrans says it will use new ways to protect birds on highway 101. a contractor used a net to discourage birds from nesting under the structure but several cliff swallows got tangled in the netting and died. now caltrans says the nets will be removed and plastic sheeting put up to keep the birds away. plans also call for demolition work to be done outside nesting season and birds will be allowed to nest on parts of the bridge that have already been built. something that has stood for decades. the effort tonight to save a former bay area movie theater from the wrecking ball and call it a landmark. >> i'm back right after the break. we're still tracking showers into your bay area weekend. how much we could see into the
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time line. and a suspect in court accused of killing sierra lamar. why the latest delays in the proceedings frustrates the girl's family and friends. 9y
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only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. comfort individualized. a judge in santa clara county today granted another delay in the trial of a man accused of kidnapping and killing 15-year-old sierra lamar of morgan hill. garcia torrez was in court this afternoon. he was arrested in in may of 2012. today his defense attorney was granted yet another delay until march. all of these delays are taking a toll on sierra lamar's family and friends. >> of course it's frustrating because you know we're not getting the information that we
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need to go out and have better searches. these people here they go out and search every thursday and saturday. >> reporter: the volunteers and sierra lamar's family have been holding out hope that torrez might eventually reveal where the girl's body can be found once court proceedings finally get under way. bart police say they arrested a man last weekend who fought with a conductor and tried to take over a train. officers from b.a.r.t. and union city police responded to 911 calls about an unruly passenger. passengers say the man was trying to get into the train operator's compartment. the man told them he had just smoked angel dust or pcp. he has been arrested. the incident caused a 25 minute delay on that line. there are dozens of improvements. among them more soundproofing, better air-conditioning, padded seats with lumbar support. bike racks and color coded
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seats for seniors. feed back from passengers contributed to this new design. a south bay landmark may be saved from the wrecking ball. the san jose historical landmarks commission tonight nominated the century 21 theater on olson drive as a potential city landmark. the domes were built in 1964, property owners want to demolish this theater and develop the property. but a preservation group has managed 16,000 signatures to preserve it. the process calls for public hearings to be held before the city council decides whether the dome will get landmark status. on wall street, stock markets drifted up and down today before closing on the downside. the dow lost 17 points, the nasdaq dropped nine.
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disappointing sales reports drove down stocks. today the principal of reames academy in east oakland sent us these pictures of mcmath's classmates. they're all wearing t-shirts that say team jahi. her family believes a ventilator and feeding tube are keeping her alive. why officials say it is so important to get this bug out of the united states. bill is finally tracking wet weather and in five minutes he's going to tell us how much of it will reach the bay area. and seven years after the iphone was launched right here in san francisco. we take a look at the impact it's hard on the world and hear from one developer about how it changed his life. safeway presents real big deals of the week.
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or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88. that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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president obama met with congressional leaders today
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ahead of an expected policy speech concerning nsa surveillance. 16 senators and representatives attended the meeting at the white house. the president is expected to announce new rules about snooping on government leaders and data collected from phone calls made by americans inside the united states. revelations about nsa practices came to light after former contractor edward snowden leaked information to the press. it was seven years ago that steve jobs made a big announcement and changes the world as we know it. >> reporter: taking a look at today's iphone things certainly have changed since steve jobs introduced the new iphone back
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then selling for $600. >> thank you for coming. we're going to make history today. >> reporter: steve jobs started a resolution. >> you don't have to have a gps versus a phone, a camera. it's all in one. >> reporter: in one quantum leap the iphone changed how people thought about phones and computerring. >> i work on the postseason, on the road. i use every app possible to help run my business. >> reporter: for the first time people could have a phone, music player and computer all in the palm of their hands. >> it's changed not only my life but my mom and dad's life. and my grandparents and my 3- year-old son can play games in it. >> reporter: ethan ihorn remembered the excitement. >> we knew it was going to be a game changer from the beginning because it had such a big impact. >> reporter: he stood on the stage with steve jobs. more than 120 million iphones have been sold to people in
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more than 400 countries. >> there's facebook, kik, tumbler. >> reporter: the iphone has developed a new world that can let us pinch and tap our way through the day. at the computer history museum at mountain view, we walk through the mighty mainframe and pc that packed only a small portion of the information inside an iphone now. >> that was the big surprise that they really pulled it off. not only that became a market leader. >> reporter: apple's app store broke a record $1 billion in sales. they had 10 billion in 2013. a big economic impact for devices that just keep getting smaller. reporting live in san francisco, jana katsuyama.
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ktvu channel 2 news. >> hard to believe it's only been seven years. snap chat apologized today for a security breach last week. the company said it released a more secure app. snap chat ignored tips about the security problem. they have now secured a section of app, the find friends users. the new sets will come equipped with net flex, apps and chips so they'll be able to stream the format right away. ultra high definition will have four times as many pixels as standard high definition. the new sets are expected to go on sale in the coming months from several manufacturers including sony, lg and sam
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sung. the department of homeland security says investigators stopped a significant agriculture threat at the san francisco international airport. five adult stink bugs were discovered at sfo in a shipment of fresh basil from mexico. the port of san francisco says this is only the second time this particular bug has been spotted in the u.s. it's a rare and destructive insect that would pose a significant threat. the shipment of basil was then sent back to mexico. there are a few light sprinkles out there or drizzle like we had the other morning. it doesn't really affect what we have. it doesn't amount to much. and .03 of an inch that seemed to be the most. enough to glaze the roadways and slow things down a little bit. 64 in antioch. 67 in santa rosa. there's a warm spot. temperatures tomorrow are going to be right where they were today. everything is going to the north. we've talked about that. that sets us up with a fairly
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dry pattern. but now things are starting to change around. this ridge of high pressure is going to start to dip south a little bit. when it does saturday, we're going to have a shot of getting showers in here. some rain, maybe even come maybe .25 up in santa rosa and the forestville area. we'll see. 500th perhaps in san jose. swells are on the increase as you would expect this time of year. swells are going to be picking up the next few days and next few weeks. not this sunday but next sunday they're talking about giant surf along the coast. that might be the mavericks day. big surf along the coast. just be careful with rip tides and high high waves in short intervals. 39 in fairfield, 36 in santa rosa. just a nice looking day for the most part tomorrow. then it changes around. partly cloudy tonight. you knew that. i mean there's some clouds out there now. but for the most part beautiful air quality. haven't seen a spare the air day for a while. those on shore winds ushering the chance for showers on
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saturday. so here's how it breaks down. the system is to the north. we get this day tomorrow. then we move into saturday the system comes in, it's got a little more southerly push to it. so showers in the forecast saturday morning. i got the computer model lined up so you can see how this times out. it's not a big deal. north of here might be good but for us not much. there's your fog friday morning. there's your fog friday afternoon. here it comes. here's saturday about lunchtime. right not bad. then slides right through. what i notice up here the mountains is going to linger. they're going to get snow about 6,000 feet. and that's good. maybe a foot of snow. the forecast highs tomorrow then. 62 in vallejo, 64 in brentwood. the highs as you head down toward san jose 66. or 67 in morgan hill. the five day forecast with your bay area weekend in view. your chance of a shower. it's not a wash out on saturday. the morning will be wet. everything else is dry. sunday big big big big big big
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football game. huh mark ibanez. they have perfect weather for it too. it'll be in the 50s. good looking forecast for the game in charlotte and just kind of a dry forecast really. there's rain on saturday but it's not going to be a lot. >> thank you, bill. >> okay. there were good, -- we are on the wrong script. just a second here. state health officials warn the public not to use two skin lightening creams that tested positive for high levels of mercury. one is called monsepa and the other geoli. people should stop using and see a doctor if they
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experienced mercury exposure signs. the sharks they are very good. they want to be great. always competitive. they strive for dominance like tonight. well, makes you think it is all possible for them. even without logan couture. men in teal stopped the red wings. from joe thornton to joe pavelski. look at andrew dejard one man show. taking it off the board himself. risking a blazer pass. stewart shot on gold. joe pavelski is there to put it in. you have to see it on the replay. it is a 4-1 final. the sharks looking very dominant 4-1. should they go on to the super bowl and all that glory. it'll be a road to the championship for sure.
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they will soon pack it up again. this time carolina, panthers haven't played in nearly two weeks so it's the old rested or rusted discussion. not that they have a choice. but the niners they have their own preference. >> i do believe of momentum when it comes to ending a regular season and moving ton the play offs. for the last two years we had the ball. in both games we started a little rusty. it hasn't really been too good to us. mentally we're able to fight and win those football games but i truly believe that this is what our football team needed. >> of course the space filler between nfl play off games, college hoops. plenty of it tonight. we'll show you what set off a celebration for santa clara tonight with the rest of the sports is great news for cal and santa clara. a little hint.
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all right of course december bowled over with all the college football. now college hoop ready to take the floor. had one tonight. the little big game, same area santa clara. gales have dominated in recent years. last second role reversal. the fans pumped up. all came down to the final seconds. james walker with a wide open steven holt. pops the three and it looks like st. maries will win it
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again by one. but santa clara rebounding to the freshman brownridge. he hit it he wanted that ball and he drilled it with .9 left. 23 for him. first time since february of 2009 santa clara defeat st. mary. cal dealing with 17th ranked oregon on that salvador dahli like floor. all about the freshman. 32 points he does it all inside and out. a little montage there of his activity. then in the final moments richard solomon had himself a game. 13 times cal has beaten oregon. a little bit of an anomaly there. the news was not good for stanford and the other pac12 game as they lose to oregon state. 81-72. two out of three local basketball winners. that's the sporting life for a
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thursday night. >> all right, mark, thank you. thank you for choosing ktvu morning news. >> ktvu news starts at 4:30. we'll see you tomorrow morning. >> good night.
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want some coffee? say yes. it's french press. i was doubtful, too, but i honestly can't see myself going back to drip. i'm so happy you don't live in a tough neighborhood anymore. we're so sorry for just dropping by like this. are you kidding me? i'll take any chance to spend time with this little princess. i love her little hair, her little toes. and she loves her grandmother. i don't love "grandmother." so, cam and i have been revising our will to specify who should take care of lily if, god forbid, something happened to us. god forbid. i said "god for--" so, we've been dropping by unannounced to, you know, casually assess our candidates. not all of our candidates. no, t-that's true. we did not drop by missour-ah. it's "missouri." no one from missouri would say "missour-ah." i'm so sorr-ah.


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